Musik und Tanz!

Liebe Kids der 4b,

erinnert ihr euch an dieses Lied?? Singt laut mit und hoffentlich singen wir bald wieder zusammen! Eure Frau Giese

Liebe Kinder der 4b,
damit ihr nicht aus der Übung kommt: Body Percussion für zuhause!!

Da ihr ja sehr gut seid gleich was schweres … In nächster Zeit kommt noch mehr.
Das machen wir dann zusammen, wenn wir wieder Musikunterricht haben 🙂
Fr. Giese

Klasse! Wir singen
Here you can find all the songs, moves and words, free to download, for ‚Klasse! Wir singen‘. You can also watch some videos for the songs. Download the songs and listen to them as you work.

Online piano
You can use this online piano to help you practice your musical skills. Give it a try!

Learn about classical music
Without classical music, we wouldn’t have any pop music! Go and learn about the greats of classical music here.

Music theory
Learning music theory will help you to play, write and arrange music. This website will give you all the information you need.

Make a ‚beat‘
Use this website to help you make a beat. Maybe you could use a beat and try to rap over it. It’s a lot of fun, so go give it a try!

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